14. VII - 14. VIII 2004.
Hommage a Petar Brečić
Bertolt Brecht / Kurt Weill : MJESEC ALABAME / THE MOON OF ALABAMA |
obrada, režija
i izbor scenografije Kostimografija Costume design: NAIDA KROMIĆ Koreografija Choreography : IVICA PETRIĆ Oblikovanje svjetla Light design: MIROSLAV MAMIĆ Igraju / Cast Mackie - Nož Mackie -The Knife: TRPIMIR JURKIĆ Jenny : ARIJANA ČULINA Pijanist Piano player: HARI ZLODRE |
A NEW?! Fredom
in a person is the place where he is One with God. The awareness of the
divine in the man and in the moment, this very one, gives the man power
and authority over life. To change. Himself, society, history. Nothing
is taken for granted. The theatre is a game, just one of the
manifestations of that divine Game, in which there are no rules, but
one; that there are no rules. Therefore, a free man by playing changes
the Game. The clearness of the attitude towards oneself and society
comes only before dying, when it is too late. Therefore Mackie and Jenny
retell their story that was finished a long time ago over and over
again, because it always takes them back to that state of
awareness and openness towards the potential.. Because
there can exist no Fear that paralyses the man's action. Because
there aren't any such worthless little things that a man is a slave to
in his life, only the infinity. While he is observing the torn apart
barriers in himself and round himself, he is cheerful because he knows
that the water he has poured in his wine he can not take out, and
everything changes. He can start afresh with his last breath!
MARICA GRGURINOVIĆ kazalištem se počela baviti kao srednjoškolka, u Splitu, u Gradskom kazalištu mladih, pod vodstvom Gorana Golovka. Nakratko je taj interes prekinula za volju studija astronomije u Padovi, da bi mu se opet vratila, i kao apsolvent režije i radiofonije na zagrebačkoj Akademiji dramske umjetnosti, imala iza sebe već niz zanimljivih suradnji i realiziranih projekata. Svaki na svoj način, imena poput Joška Juvančića, Ivice Boban, Georgija Para, Janusza Kice, Branka Brezovca, Ozrena Prohića, Matka Sršena... približavali su joj svijet kazališne režije, da bismo u novije vrijeme bili svjedocima nekoliko samostalnih projekata Marice Grgurinović. Među njima ističu se radiodrama Pokrinokat, izvedena u programu Hrvatskog radija 2003. te predstave Motel Mrak autorice Dore Delbianco (ZGK Komedija 2003) i Meštar Pathelin nepoznatog francuskog autora iz 15. st. (GKM, Split 2004). MARICA GRGURINOVIĆ started showing interest in theatre as a high-school girl, in Split, in the Youth City Theatre, under the direction of Goran Golovko. She interrupted that interest for a short period of time when she decided to study astronomy in Padua, but she has returned to it.and as a degree-exam candidate of the university of theatre production and radiophony at the Zagreb Academy of Drama Art she has already had a number of interesting co-operations and projects. Each in his way, the names like Joško Juvančić, Ivica Boban, Georgijo Paro, Janusz Kico, Branko Brezovac, Ozren Prohić, Matko Sršen…. have drawn near the world of theatre production to her, and lately we have been witnesses of a few independent projects by Marica Grgurinović. The radio-play Pokrinokat is worth pointing out, performed in the programme of the Croatian radio 2003, as well as the play The Darkness Motel, whose author was Dora Delbianco (ZGK Comedy 2003) and Meštar Pathelin (Master Pathelin) by an unknown French author from the fiteenth century (GKM, Split 2004). BERTOLT
BRECHT (1898 - 1956) njemački je književnik kojega je kazalište
zarana zaintrigiralo pa mu je posvetio cijeli život, videći u njemu često
instrument za kritiku nacizma i militarizma, a kasnije također
kapitalizma i imperijalizma. Dramatičar, režiser, pjesnik, teoretičar
drame, Brecht je prije svega nemilosrdni ismijavatelj totalitarnog i
antihumanističkog poretka kojemu se u početku anarhistički
suprotstavlja, da bi kasnije svoju kritiku intonirao marksistički. Svoj
dramski izraz započeo je u realističkoj tradiciji, zatim je prihvatio
ekspresionizam i konačno nastojao izgraditi vlastito tzv. epsko kazalište.
Pri tome, služio se elementima naracije, slobodne montaže, izliranih
slika, traktata i pamfleta uz najsmionije svjetlosne efekte i glazbenu
pratnju. Cilj kazališta kako ga on vidi nije aristotelovsko, emotivno uživljavanje
i katarza nego racionalan izbor društvene akcije na temelju
nemilosrdnih činjenica. Afirmaciju novog teatra i veliki uspjeh
postigao je Operom za tri groša (1928), modernom preradom Prosjačke
opere Johna Gaya iz 1728. Ta satirička opereta igrana u Moskvi,
Parizu i New Yorku donijela je Brechtu i njegovom kompozitoru Kurtu
Weilu veliku popularnost. BERTOLT
BRECHT (1898 - 1956) German poet, playwright, and theatrical reformer,
one of the most prominent figures in the 20th-century theatre. In his
works Brecht have been concerned with encouraging audiences to think
rather than becoming too involved in the story and to identify with the
characters. In this process he used alienation effects (A Effekts).
Brecht developed a form of drama called epic theatre in which ideas or
didactic lessons are important. KURT WEILL (1900 - 1950) njemački je skladatelj koji je zarana emigrirao i najveći dio života proveo u Americi, skladajući u početku pretežno instrumentalna djela u antiromantičkom, disonantnom stilu, da bi zatim prešao gotovo isključivo na vokalnu i scensku glazbu. Surađujući s B. Brechtom u oblikovanju epskog, "angažiranog teatra", stvara svoja najbolja djela; "songspiel" Mahagonny (1927, II proširena verzija u obliku opere Uspon i pad grada Mahagonnyja, 1929), igrokaz sa glazbom Opera za tri groša (prema Prosjačkoj operi J. Gaya) i balet Sedam smrtnih grijeha. Komponirajući za broadwayska kazališta, prilagođuje svoj politonalni, dijelom ekspresionistički izraz ležernijem američkom stilu, a istodobno obogaćuje američki musical tematski i glazbeno i ostvaruje širok utjecaj na brojne skladatelje. KURT WEILL (1900 - 1950) was an important figure in German musical life during the period of the Weimar Republic. He left Germany in 1933 and later became a citizen of the United States of America, turning his musical attention to compositions for Broadway. Weill collaborated with Bertolt Brecht in Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera), a topical derivative of The Beggar's Opera set in contemporary Germany, with music strongly influenced by the jazz of the period. Other collaborations with Brecht included Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny (The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny). His work for Broadway is now attracting revived attention. Rukovoditelj scenske opreme: Ivica Kalebić / Rukovoditelj EST-a: Ranko Dodig / Šef pozornice: Vladimir Vladušić / Majstor tona: Ivica Bilić/ Ton: Petar Ivanišević / Maskerski radovi: Božana Krstić / Vlasuljarski radovi: Marija Mitrić / Ženski kostimi: Neda Pilić / Muški kostimi: Davorka Dumanić / Rekvizita: Zoran Dumanić / Slikarski radovi: Petar Periš / Drvodjelski radovi: Mate Mamić / Tapetarski radovi: Gordan Ivanković / Bravarski radovi: Mate Vranjić |