VII - 14. VIII 2004.
noveli Roberta Musila : MITTELEUROPSKI
HNK Split / CNT Split Stage :
16. VII 2004 Redatelji / Directors : JANUSZ OPRYŃSKI,
MITTELEUROPSKI PRIZORI razvijaju dalje sve prepoznatljive odlike dviju lublinskih kazališnih skupina, koje su nam dobro poznate još od Ferdydurke, predstave koja ih je proslavila. Gluma snažno okrenuta fiziološkom, s neprestanim isticanjem tjelesnosti zarobljene na malom i ograničenom prostoru, upravo prisiljava glumce da igraju vrlo precizno i snažno. I ponovo, kao i u adaptaciji Gombrowiczeve novele, motiv škole uzet je kao metafora svijeta: podjarmljivanje uma i duše; žarište grozota i krvoločnosti među ljudima. Pa, premda kostimi, ili, preciznije, odore iz časničke škole upućuju da se nalazimo negdje na početku dvadesetoga stoljeća i da se krećemo rubom Habsburške monarhije i središtem Musilova svijeta, svejedno smo čvrsto u raljama poetike neumoljivog tandema Oprynski - Mazurkiewicz. Riječ je, dakle, o mračnom spektaklu nakrcanom značenjima poput nabijenog kufera koji se ne da zatvoriti. THE SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF MITTELEUROPA The latest premiere of Provisorium and Kompania theatre companies is a dense spectacle, cram-full with meanings like a tight suitcase that cannot be closed. The Scenes from the Life of Mitteleuropa confirms the characteristics of the Lublin theatre companies style, established in Ferdydurke. Radically physiological acting, emphasis put on corporality, cramming the action within a small limited space, therefore forcing the actors to perform in a certain way. And again, just like in the adaptation of Gombrowicz's novel, a motif of school is used as a metaphor of the world, enslaving one's mind and soul, a hotbed of atrocities among people, as the title of the most recent production realised by Opryhski and Mazurkiewicz hides on a scenario based on ' by Robert Musil. The actor's costumes, uniforms of the officers' school, signal that we are somewhere in the beginning of the century, on the outskirts of the Habsburg monarchy. |