Lude lutke
iii novi olovni vojnik - baletni triler
Ovo je jedinstveni projekt koji spaja originalnu glazbu
slavnog moskovskog skladatelja Konstantina Vasiljeva,
izrazito zanimljivu koreografiju Tatjane Petrove i
Vladislava Kuramshina, te koreografiju 21. stoljeća koja
objedinjuje klasične i moderne stilove s kinematografskim
žanrom trilera. Ovo je balet o ljubavi i prijevari,
okrutnosti svijeta, te o dobru koje, nažalost, ne pobijedi
uvijek nad zlim. Izvedba je prepuna mistike i strašnih
scena, stoga se ne preporuča djeci mladoj od 5 godina,
unatoč činjenici da plešu diplomanti i mlađi đaci Yakobson
baletne škole.
Noću, u praznom dućanu igračaka, lutke ožive i počnu se
pretvarati u strašna čudovišta... A ujutro te iste igračke
kupuju i odnose kući djeca nesvjesna činjenice tko su
zapravo te lutke i što se događa noću u dućanu... Kakve to
veze ima s Olovnim vojnikom? Dođite na predstavu i otkrijete
Dolls or the New Tin Soldier - ballet thriller this is a
unique project combining original music by the famous Moscow
composer Konstantin Vasiliev, the most interesting
choreography by Tatiana Petrova and Vladislav Kuramshin, and
21st century's choreography uniting classical and modern
styles along with cinematic thriller genre. This ballet is
about love and treacherv, about cruelty of the world, and
about the good that, unfortunatelv, does not always defeat
the evil. The performance is full of mysticism and horrible
scenes therefore it is not recommended for children under 5
years, despite the fact that the ballet itself is performed
by the graduates and young pupils of the Yakobson Ballet
School. At night in the deserted toyshop dolls come to life
and start turning into severe monsters... And in the morning
these toys are bought and brought home by children who are
unaware of their true nature and of the events, going on in
the shop during the night... What does it have to do with
the Tin Soldier? Come to the show and you'll find out!
dan u malom kafiću - baletni musical
Ako Vas je prva baletna jednočinka gotovo preplašila, red je
da Vas druga opusti i zabavi. Ima li boljeg načina nego da
se sve doživljeno pretrese u obližnjem kafiću. Mislili ste
da je kafić kafić, a balet balet. I:., pa prevarili ste se.
Jer sve je naoko kao u svakom kafiću samo što ovi
posjetitelji nisu u njemu tek radi pukog ispijanja kava.
Naklapanja, važni razgovori, ogovaranja, očijukanja - sve je
to sastavni dio života svakog kafića, ali što ako u jednom
času cio kafić postane plesnim podijem i svi odnosi u njemu
stanu biti iskazivani kretnjama svojstvenim samo budućim
plesnim umjetnicima...
day in a little cafe - ballet musical
If the first one-act ballet scared you the second one will
relax and amuse you. Is there a better way than to discuss
everything in the nearby cafe? You thought that a cafe is
just a cafe, and that ballet is just a ballet? Well, you
were vvrong. At first everything seems just like any other
cafe, while these visitors are not here just for the mere
joy of having a cup of coffee. Discussions, important talks,
gossips, flirting - it is alla regular component in the life
of any cafe, but what if at a certain moment the whole cafe
becomes a dancing stage and all the relations inside of it
are demonstrated through movements specific only to future
dance artists...
Baletna škola Jakobson osnovana je 1994 u Sankt
Peterburgu pri Državnom akademskom baletnom kazalištu
Koreografske minijature. Ime je dobila po osnivaču kazališta
Leonidu Jakobsonu (1904 - 1975), velikanu sovjetske baletne
scene, velikom baletnom reformatoru pod čijim su utjecajem
stasale neke od najvećih baletnih zvijezda dvadesetog
stoljeća i čija je umjetnost za mnoge predstavljala
odlučujući poticaj za rad. Nastala na snažnim temeljima
ruske i sovjetske baletne tradicije, Baletna škola Jakobson
danas je alternativa glasovitoj Vaganovljevoj akademiji, a
kao pedagozi angažirani su plesači i glumci moskovskog
Boljšoj teatra, moskovske Državne koreografske akademije,
Manjinskog kazališta, kazališta Musorgski, te ostalih
peterburških kazališta. Škola je namijenjena baletnom
obrazovanju djece u dobi od šest do šesnaest godina. Već oko
desete godine polaznici su sposobni ostvariti i najteže
elemente klasične koreografije. Mnogi su učenici laureati
raznih međunarodnih natjecanja. Repertoar Baletne škole
Jakobson čine slijedeći naslovi: Labuđe jezero. Tri
praščića, Ščelkunćik (u dva čina i u jednom činu), Grand-pas
iz baleta Paquita, te koncertni program. S ovim repertoarom
Škola je posljednjih godina gostovala u Njemačkoj,
Bugarskoj, Italiji, Francuskoj, Turskoj, Češkoj, Letoniji,
Estoniji, Španjolskoj i Finskoj.
Vladislav Kuramšin ravnatelj je, umjetnički voditelj,
učitelj i baletni majstor Baletne Skote Jakobson. Godine
1983. diplomirao je na Baletnoj akademiji Vaganova u
tadašnjem Lenjingradu, te postao član baletnog ansambla
Manjinskog kazališta. Od 1984. solist je Baletnog kazališta
Borisa Kiftmana, baletnog kazališta Koreografske minijature,
Malog baleta iz Sankt Peterburga, Baletnog kazališta iz
SanktPeterburga, baletnog kazališta IFouette. Autor je
tehnike Podučavanje djece mladih uzrasta baletnoj
umjetnosti. Stalni je sudac na brojnim međunarodnim
natjecanjima i festivalima. Godine 2004. bio je gost pedagog
u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu u Splitu.
Tatjana Petrova diplomirala je 1989. na moskovskoj
Državnoj koreografskoj akademiji. Pedagog je i baletni
majstor u Baletnoj školi Jakobson, pedagog u moskovskoj
Državnoj koreografskoj akademiji, solistica moskovskog
Boljšoj teatra i teatra Koreografske minijature.
Yacobson's Ballet School was founded in 1994 in Sr.
Petersburg at the State Academic Ballet Fheater The
Choreography Miniatures. It was named after its founder
Leonid Yakobson (1904 - 1975) the master of the Soviet
ballet scene, a great ballet reformer who influenced some of
the greatest ballet stars of the 20th century and whose art
represented the crucial impetus for their vvork.
Created on the strong foundations of Russian and Soviet
ballet tradition Yakobson Ballet School represents an
alternative to the famous Vaganov Academy with dancers and
actors from the Moscow Bolshoi Iheater as professors, as
well as from Moscow State Academv of Choreographv, Mariinskv
Theater, Mussorgskv State Ballet Iheater, and some other St.
Petersburg theatres. Ihe school is dedicated to ballet
education of ehildren age 6-16. When 10 years old these
pupils are able to perform even the most difficult elements
of classical choreography. Many pupils have been laureates
for different international competitions. Yacobson Ballet
School repertoire consists of: Swan Lake, The Three Little
Pigs, The Nutcracker (tvvo-acts and one-act), Grand Pas
Classique from Paquita, and the concert program. With this
repertoire The School has performed lately in Germany,
Bulgaria, ltaly, France, fijrkey, Czech Republic, Lithuania,
Estonia, Spain and Finland.
Vladislav Kuramshin - direetor, art direetor, teacher
and ballet master of Yacobson Ballet School. In 1983 he
graduated from Vaganov Ballet Academy in the then Leningrad
and later became member of the Mariinsky Iheater. Since 1984
he has been a soloist of Boris Eifman Ballet Theater, The
Choreographic Miniatures Ballet Iheater, St. Petersburg
Little Theater, St. Petersburg Ballet Iheater, Fouette
Ballet Theater. He is the author of the technique "Training
of ehildren to art of ballet for vounger age".
Tatyana Petrova - graduated in 1989 at Moscow State
Choreography Academy. Teacher and ballet master of Yakobson
Ballet School, teacher of the Moscovv State Choreography
Academv, soloist of the Moscovv Bolshoy Theater and The
Choreographic Miniatures Ballet Theater.