Petar Čulić
(1986) rođenjem, obrazovanjem i radom vezan je uz Split,
Dugi Rat i Omiš. Diplomirao je 2008. na Umjetničkoj
akademiji Sveučilišta u Splitu; odsjek za gitaru u klasi
prof. Goran Listeša.
Do danas bilježi više od 200 uspješnih solističkih recitala
diljem Hrvatske i Europe. Sudjeluje kao član stručnog žiria
na međunarodnim natjecanjima. Uz brojne solističke nastupe
koncertirao je u duima, kvartetima te s orkestrom. Za
vrijeme školovanja postigao je izvanredne rezultate na
domaćim i međunarodnim natjecanjima. Osvojio je ukupno 32
nagrade, od čega 21 prvu, 4 druge i 7 trećih, što ga čini
jednim od najuspješnijih mladih gitarista današnjice. Kao
nastavnik, pri glazbenoj školi "Lovro pl. Matačić" u Omišu,
također na domaćim i međunarodnim natjecanjima osvojio je
čak 12 prvih, 12 drugih i 3 treće nagrade, iako u klasi ima
tek 6 učenika. Sudjelovao je na brojnim seminarima koje su
vodili poznati gitaristički pedagozi iz Hrvatske i
inozemstva (William Kanengiser, Scott Tennant, John Dearman,
Matthew Greif, Pavel Steidl, Aniello Desiderio, Carlo
Marchione, Tilman Hoppstock, Zoran Dukić, Costas Cotsiolis,
Marco Tamayo, Jaime Zenamon, Predrag Stanković, Ramon
Carnota Mendez, Goran Krivokapić, Alexander S. Ramirez, Ana
Vidović, Darko Karajić...). Umjetnički je direktor Splitskog
gitarističkog Festivala na kojem su nastupili gitaristi iz
više od 35 država sa 4 kontinenta. Dobitnik je godišnje
nagrade općine Dugi Rat za izvanredna postignuća na području
glazbenog i kulturnog stvaralaštva. Dobitnik je dvije
rektorove nagrade u akademskoj godini 2005/06. Na
solističkom koncertu2005. u HNK Split promovirao je i svoj
prvi CD.
Petar Čulić
(1986) is related to Split, Dugi Rat and Omiš by birth,
education and work. He graduated at Art Academy, University
of Split in 2008, at guitar department with Professor Goran
Listeš. He has had more then 200 successful solo recitals
throughout Croatia and Europe. He is a member of jury at
many international competitions. Besides many solo
performances he also played duos, quartets and with
orchestras. During his education he received excellent
results at home and international competitions. He received
32 awards, of which 21 were first prizes, 4 second and 7
third, which makes him one of the most successful young
guitarist today. As a teacher, at “Lovro pl. Matačić” Music
School in Omiš, he received 12 first prizes, 12 second and 3
third prizes at home and international competitions, having
only six students in his class. He participated at many
seminars by famous guitar teachers from Croatia and abroad (William
Kanensiger, Scott Tennant, John Dearmar, Matthew Greif,
Pavel Steidl, Aniello Desiderio, Carlo Marchione, Tilman
Hoppstock, Zoran Dukić, Costas Cotsiolis, Marco Tamayo,
Jaime Zenamon, Predrag Stanković, Ramon Carnota Mendez,
Goran Krivokapić, Alexander S. Ramirez, Ana Vidović, Darko
Karajić…). Ćulić is the artistic director of Split Guitar
Festival where guitarists from more then 35 countries and
four continents have performed. He was awarded the annual
Dugi Rat Award for accomplishments in music and culture. He
received two Dean’s awards in 2005 and 2006. At his solo
concert in Croatian National Theatre in Split in 2005 he
promoted his first CD.
Goran Listeš rođen je u Splitu. Studij je završio kod
Darka Petrinjaka na Muzičkoj Akademiji u Zagrebu i Marge
Bäuml-Klasinc na Hochschule für Musik u Grazu. Pobjednik je
mnogih važnih međuarodnih natjecanja uključujući "Jeunesses
Musicales" (Beograd, 1985), "Fernando Sor" (Rim, 1989) i "Mauro
Giuliani" (Bari, 1989). Posebno je značajan njegov uspjeh na
natjecanju "Printemps de la Guitare" (Walcourt, Belgija
1990) gdje je osvojio Prvu nagradu (Zlatna medalja kraljice
Fabiole), Nagradu Belgijske skladateljskog udruženja za
najboljeg interpreta Belgijskog djela, kao i Nagradu
novinara. Uslijedili su brojni nastupi na međuarodnim
festivalima i koncertnim podijima uključujući i nastupe u
poznatim dvoranama : Wigmore Hall (London), Radio France
Auditorium (Pariz) i Sala Čajkovski (Moskva). Također se
pojavljuje kao solist s orkestrima Češke filharmonije,
Zagrebačke filharmonije, orkestrom Splitske opere, s
Madridskim orkestrom, Talijanskim komornim orkestrom
"Solisti Aquilani" te Belgijskim komornim orkestrom "I
Fiamminghi". Član je mnogih gitarskih komornih ansambala, a
sa Zagrebačkim gitarskim triom dobitnik je i brojnih
priznanja: Vjesnikove nagrade Slavenski 1995., godišnje
nagrade Vladimir Nazor za 2004. te Milke Trnine 2005. Snimao
je za tvrtke Croatia Records, Dinaton, Cantus, Orfej, Plein
Jeu Editions i Nìccolò. Osim što je izvanredni profesor
gitare na Splitskoj Umjetničkoj Akademiji također održava
majstorske tečajeve u Austriji, Italiji, Njemačkoj i
Goran Listeš was born
in Split. He graduated with the Professor Darko Petrinjak at
Zagreb Music Academy and with Margo Bäuml-Klasinc at
Hochschule für Musik in Graz. He won at many important
international competitions including “Jeunesses Musicales” (Belgrade,
1985), “Fernando Sor” (Rome, 1989) and “Mauro Giuliani”
(Bari, 1989). His success at “Printemps de la Guitare”
competition (Walcourt, Belgium, 1990) is especially
important since he won the first prize there (Gold Medal
awarded by the Queen Fabiola), a prize of Belgium Composers
Association for the best interpretation of a Belgium piece
of music, as well as the Journalists’ Prize. Afterwards he
performed at many international festivals and concerts
including some of the famous halls: Wigmore Hall (London),
Radio France Auditorium (Paris) and Tchaikovsky Hall (Moscow).
He played as a soloist with Czech Philharmonic Orchestra,
Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, Split Opera Orchestra, Madrid
Orchestra, “Solisti Aquilani” Italian Chamber Orchestra and
“I Fiamminghi” Belgium Chamber Orchestra. He is a member of
many chamber ensembles and together with Zagreb Guitar Trio
he received many awards: “Slavenski” Vjesnik Newspaper Award
(1995), “Vladimir Nazor” Annual Award (2004) and “Milka
Trnina” (2005). He recorded for Croatia Records, Dinaton,
Cantus, Orfej, Plein Jeu Editions and Niccolò discography
companies. Besides being an associate professor of guitar at
Split Arts Academy he also holds master courses in Austria,
Italy, Germany and Croatia.
Irina Kulikova rođena je 1982. u Chelyabinsku -
glavnom gradu Južnog Urala u Rusiji. Kao dijete iz glazbene
obitelji gitaru je počela svirati sa šest godina. Pobijedila
je na većini ruskih glazbenih natjecanja. Sa samo dvanaest
godina pozvana je da nastupi na brojnim koncertima u Italiji
i Velikoj Britaniji, a sa četrnaest godina uključena je u
knjigu “Klasična gitara - njen razvoj, izvođači i osobnosti
od 1800.” u izdanju Maurice Summerfields. Još od najranije
dobi Irina nastupa na brojnim glazbenim festivalima i solo
koncertima u Rusiji, Italiji, Velikoj Britaniji, Poljskoj,
Njemačkoj, Nizozemskoj, Austriji, Španjolskoj i Sjedinjenim
Državama. Najvažniji nastupi posljednjih godina bili su na
“Salzburg Schloss koncertu” u Mirabell dvorcu, Legnani
festivalu u Italiji, u Bad-Beldenburgu za princezu Benedikt
i njene uzvanike, međunarodnom festivalu gitare u Miamiu i u
prekrasnoj katedrali u Coriji, Španjolska.
2006. i 2007. Irina je pobjeđivala na međunarodnim
natjecanjima u Njemačkoj, Austriji, Belgiji, Velikoj
Britaniji, Grčkoj, Španjolskoj i Italiji. U proljeće 2008.
pobijedila je na natjecanju “Gitara iz Alhambre” u Valenciji
u Španjolskoj. Irina Kulikova studirala je u Moskvi (Gnessins)
i Salzburgu (Mozarteum). Dok surađuje s Marcom Tamayom
istovremeno studira kod Carla Marchionea u Maastrichtu.
Svira kao solist i s brojnim ansamblima i orkestrima. Od
2007. živi i podučava glazbu u Nizozemskoj.
Irina Kulikova
was born in 1982 in Chelyabinsk, the capital of South-Ural,
Russia. As a daughter of a musical family, she commenced
playing guitar when she was six. She won most of Russia’s
international guitar competitions. At the age of twelve she
was invited to perform a series of concerts in Italy and
England. And when she was fourteen, she was included in
Maurice Summerfields’ “The Classical Guitar - its evolution,
players and personalities since 1800”. Ever since her early
recognition, Irina has performed in numerous musical
festivals and solo concerts in Russia, Italy, England,
Poland, Germany, Holland, Austria, Spain and the USA. Some
highlights of recent years were her appearances at the
“Salzburg Schloss Concerts” in the Schloss Mirabell, the
Legnani-festival in Italy, in Bad-Beldenburg for Princess
Benedikt and her guests, the international guitar festival
of Miami and in the beautiful cathedral of Coria, Spain. In
2006 and 2007 Irina was awarded prizes at the international
competitions in Germany, Austria, Belgium, England, Greece,
Spain and Italy. In early spring 2008, she won the
competition of “Guitarra Alhambra” in Valencia, Spain. Irina
Kulikova studied in Moscow (Gnessins) and Salzburg (Mozarteum).
While continuing her work with Marco Tamayo, she is
currently studying with Carlo Marchione in Maastricht. Irina
performs as a solo-artist and with various ensembles and
orchestras. Since September 2007 she has been living and
teaching in The Netherlands.
Marco Tamayo kubanski je gitarist austrijskog
državljanstva. Pobjednik je nekoliko velikih međunarodnih
natjecanja, snimio je niz albuma za Naxos Label, profesor je
klasične gitare na Sveučilištu Mozarteum u Salzburgu, kao i
na Landeskonservatoriumu u Klagenfurtu, u Austriji; počasni
je građanin Alessandrie u Italiji. Cijenjen zbog svoje
ekspresivne interpretacije i visokih tehničkih sposobnosti.
Ove godine u SAD će izaći njegova knjiga “Osnove sviranja
klasične gitare“. Tamayo je proputovao cijeli svijet
svirajući na koncertima s poznatim orkestrima: Komorni
orkestar Aix en Provance, Torinska filharmonija, St.
Petersburški komorni orkestar, Havanska filharmonija,
Filharmonija iz Tampere i Filharmonija iz Oulua, obje iz
Finske, TransArt orkestar iz Salzburga, Ars Musicae iz
Klagenfurta, Simfonijski orkestar iz Monterreya, Meksiko,
itd. Surađivao je i s dirigentima kao što su Kurt Redel,
Paolo Ferrar, Damian Iorio, Phillipe Bender, Leo Brouwer,
Alexis Soriano, Raul Gutierrez... Njegov prvi nastup u
Parizu u Chopin-Pleyel dvorani otvorio mu je mnoga vrata.
Dobitnik je i “Mauro Giuliani“ nagrade i to iz ruku člana
Giuliani obitelji za prekrasnu interpretaciju glazbe tog
poznatog talijanskog glazbenika. Brojni talentirani mladi
gitaristi iz cijelog svijeta njegovi su učenici, a mnogi od
njih pobjednici su brojnih međunarodnih gitarističkih
Marco Tamayo
The Cuban guitarist with Austrian Citizenship, several times
winner of major international competitions, with several
albums recorded for the Naxos Label. Professor for Classical
Guitar at the Mozarteum University of Arts in Salzburg and
at the Landeskonservatorium in Klagenfurt, both in Austria,
Citizen of Honor of the City of Alessandria, in Italy, has
being acclaimed for his expressive interpretations and his
technical capacities. His book named "Principles of the
classical guitar performance" will be published in USA this
year. Tamayo has extensively toured the Globe performing
concerts with famous orchestras and conductors like Kurt
Redel, Paolo Ferrara, Damian Lorio, Phillipe Bender, Leo
Brouwer, Alexis Soriano, Raúl Gutierres, among others, and
orchestras like the Chamber Orchestra of Aix en Provence,
Philharmonic of Torino, Chamber Orchestra of St. Petersburg,
Philharmonic of Havanna, Philharmonic of Tampere,
Philharmonic of Oulu, both in Finland, TransArt Orchestra of
Salzburg, Ars Musicae from Klagenfurt, Sonfónica de
Monterrey, México, etc. His debut at the Chopin-Pleyel Hall
with great success in Paris opened important doors for him.
Tamayo also received the "Mauro Giuliani Prize" from the
hand of the Giuliani Family for the finest interpretation of
the music by the Italian composer. Marco Tamayo is Professor
at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg, Prof. at the
Landeskonservatorium in Klagenfurt, both in Austria, and
there are many talented young guitarists from all over the
world in his classes. Many of them are prize winners of
different international guitar competitions.