Theatrical Company of the Blind and Visually Impaired NEW LIFE, Zagreb
Ksenija Zec
Dramaturge: Saša Božic

Carrarina poljana, July 26
Brce, Kaštel Novi, July 27
Dajana Biondic, Maja Marjancic, Anita Matkovic, Živko Anocic, Marijo
Glibo, Vojin Peric
Author and choreography: Ksenija Zec
Music: Damir Šimunovic
Scene and video: Igor Pauška
Costume Designer: Zdravka Ivandija
Light Design: Igor Pauška i Saša Božic
Light: Nenad Lalovic
Stage Manager: Ana Biondic
Technical Support:: Branko Ostojic
approach that finally turns into chaos and psychosis of main actors
New Life Theater has the new show, Nos vamos a ver, in Spanish “See you
later”. There would not be anything strange about it if it were not for
the specific subtitle since New Life Theater used the name Drama Studio
for the Blind and Partially Sighted before, and it is what gives the
title a special meaning. The show is cooperation between choreographer
Ksenija Zec and dramaturge Saša Božić together with the ensemble who was
tired of playing set drama plays therefore they have decided for a more
personal form. The performance of New Life Theater has been reinforced
by participation of one of eminent members of Zagreb contemporary dance
scene, Maja Marjančić and a young actor Živko Anočić, who has already
made himself famous at Trešnja Theater and EXIT Theater. This new
production of New Life Theater follows a barely indicated dramaturgic
line, framed into the story about wedding preparations and all the
folkloric traditions that go with it – from family tensions up to
systematic approach that finally turns into chaos and psychosis of main
actors, pre-heart attack condition of the parents and other mourning
family. However, the framework is not important since any other
situation with the same tensions would prove exactly the same – what in
film genre is called “an ordinary man in an unordinary situation”. The
difference, the biggest one, the one that actually is the topic of the
show, lays in the fact that some of these ordinary people see and some
do not.
NEW LIFE Working on classical, drama, innovative, modern,
Croatian and foreign texts, NEW LIFE offers different performance energy,
crossing the limits of theater prejudice traveling throughout Croatia
and abroad. In 199 the Theater founded International Blind and Visually
Impaired Theater Festival of Blind: “BIT”, a unique festival at
international level gathering theater artists with the mentioned
specific features.
Ksenija Zec upon graduation from the School for Ballet and
Rhytmics in Zagreb in 1982 , Ksenija Zec has continued to be active as
choreographer and author of dance performances, as well as assistant
director for movement and dance in various drama plays and operas. In
1992 she began to teach movement and dance at the Academy of Drama Arts
in Zagreb. She worked as an associate lecturer in Osijek from 199 3 to
1996 and afterwards in Zagreb. In 2000, along with a group of her former
students from Osijek, she founded Independent Arts and Culture Network,
Barutana, and currently operates as one of artistic directors for the
same. She also conducts a dance and movement workshop at the theatre for
the blind and visually impaired “New Life” in Zagreb. Operates as an
independent artist. Author of following dance performances: Chairs [with
the Zagreb Dance Ensemble ZPA, 198 7], Madrid café (ZPA, 199 1), Tango
Is a Sad Though Danced Out (ZPA&ZKM, 199 5), Other People’s Dreams (ZPA&ZKM,
1998 ), M.U.R. (ZPA&ITD, 2002). As an assistant director for movement
and dance, Ksenija Zec has worked on more than thirty drama plays and
operas in both national and independent theatres.